If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, recommend you considering opening a support case with Microsoft CSS as well as voting for the following suggestion: Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help. In addition, an RDS deployment requires at least one RD Web Access server. You cannot change an expired user account password in a remote desktop session that connects to a Windows Server 2008 R2-based RD Session Host server in a VDI environment Therefore, password changes are not enabled in MSTSC." "CredSSP is the underlying technology that enables NLA, and it does not support password changes. "In the protocol specification for CredSSP, there is no reference to the ability to change the user's password while NLA is running. Therefore, the observed behavior can be considered "by design." " I agree with you that the current password change experience for RDS users is not great and is something Microsoft should address.Īccording to the KB article below, the behavior is by design: For security and denial of service reasons NLA required has been the default for many years/versions now.
The ability to connect without using NLA is there for backward compatibility purposes so that legacy clients are able to connect. As a remote host, you may have either Windows Server with the configured Remote Desktop Services role (RDSH), or a Windows 10 workstation with one or multiple RDP connections are allowed. (with NLA disabled) you could change an expired password, however, more recently it generally is not possible using mstsc.exe.

In certain versions of mstsc.exe connecting to certain/older server versions/scenarios In my opinion, it is doubtful that Microsoft will prioritize modifying the existing clients so that they support changing the password when NLA is not required. Password Change Possibillity in the NLA Protocol

I recommend you considering opening a support case with Microsoft CSS as well as voting for the following suggestion: